Daydream Mom

Conceive it, at least attempt it. Whatever IT may be.


Am I late? Because I love sisal!

So I’m totally new to the whole DIY blogging world. I’ve always been more of a do-it-in-my-spare-time-if-I-ever-get-any type of lady. It wasn’t until I moved into a larger place that I really felt motivated to buckle down and really find my signature style.

Well… My ‘style’ is still very much in the works because not only am I a single, co-parenting mother of one, and full-time student. I’m also a teacher. SO you know what that means. I’m BALLIN’ OUTTA CONTROL! Ha! Don’t I wish.

One thing about me is I’m very frugal. But I also like very nice things. Therefore my heart picks Pottery Barn, yet my wallet settles for thrift store finds. But that’s ok! That’s where my “Why would I pay for that? I can totally make that!” motto helps.

Since I’ve decided to give this blogging DIY venture a go I’ve stumbled upon so many gifted, creative DIYers.

It’s fascinating! …It’s inspiring! ….It’s…. INTIMIDATING!!

It’s as if I see this incredible project on Pinterest or some nifty site and my creative left brain goes “Heck yeah! Go for it, Jess!!”. Then my analytical right brain get’s way too practical and starts saying “That’s impractical”.

Well, I say BOOOO, right brain. I wanna give it a go. Regardless how small, inexpensive, redundant, or passe the project may be.

And that’s exactly what I did.

Back in July I saw this cool sisal wrapped bowl Kate from Centsational Girl did. I fell completely in love! But ummmm. “You’re a year late for that trend,” said my right brain.

Nevertheless, I loved the look of sisal and got to wrapping.

I found this glass bottle at a local Goodwill. I think it was like 2 bucks.
Picked up some sisal rope at The Home Depot for about 5 bucks.
And got to hot glue gunnin’.

A few quick minutes later I had a cool new sisal wrapped bottle for…. whatever I want to use it for.

I like. No. I take that back… I LOVE!

What sooo 2011 trend are you still in love with? I think I might try it.

Linking to Jennifer Rizzo


DIY Tutorial: Giraffe Print, Spray Paint, Dirty Dishes

Well not exactly dirty dishes. Although… you could utilize old dishes for this easy peezy DIY project. I saw this nifty project on Living With Lindsay. It literally took me 3 hours from start to finish to make this masterpiece. And that was even with a toddler running around, all while unpacking from a much-needed vacay. So trust. You can get this done in probably an hour or 2 if you’re kid free for a moment.

So let’s get started.


First, wash and dry a plate of your choice.

I chose a plate that I have plenty of and would never, ever eat from.

Second, tape the entire top of plate with painters tape.

Third, choose a design. I chose a giraffe print because I love their brown-y, yellowish pattern. And wanted to do something less… trite. If you need help with choosing an animal print simply Bing or Google “animal print”, then click IMAGES.

Next, draw on your design with a Sharpie. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Trust. The end result will be so phenomenal no one will even know that the imperfections were accidents.

Then, whip out your handy dandy Xacto knife and get to cutting!! This is the most tedious step of all. Cut along the lines you’ve drawn and gently pull off the painters tape to expose the plate.

Once you’ve gotten the pattern exposed spray paint on some primer. I used Rustoleum brand spray on primer in white.

Let the primer dry for about 30 minutes to an hour.

Lastly, spray paint with a spray paint color of your choosing. I used Krylon Brushed Metallic Satin spray paint.

Let it dry for about an hour and peel off the painters tape. The end result is a beautifully decorated plate. Hang it on your wall, place it in your foyer, keep it at the kitchen table just because you did it yourself!


♥ Daydream Mom

Hey… I’m interested to know… What sort of ANIMAL PRINT would you spray paint on your dishes??!! Share your ideas! I might try it.

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